bog n. 1.泥炭地,泥塘,沼泽。 2.潮湿地带,沼泽地带。 3.〔常 pl. 〕 〔英口〕户外厕所。 vi.,vt. (-gg-) (使)陷入沼泽,(使)沉入泥中 (down)。 bog down 阻碍;(使)陷入困境,(使)不能活动 (Things have bogged down. 事情已陷于停顿。 We were bogged down by overwork. 过分繁重的工作已经使我们陷入困境)。
Bog iron refers to impure iron deposits that develop in bogs or swamps by the chemical or biochemical oxidation of iron carried in the solutions. In general, bog ores consist primarily of iron oxyhydroxides, commonly goethite (FeO(OH)).